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On  dryly

We are a Mexican PRODUCER company,  EXPORTER AND IMPORTER  of Super Foods. We have the  highest quality standards, since  planting begins  until  the product reaches the hands of each of  our  customers. Our  company has  More than 10 years of experience  growing chia seed among other Super Foods. Our experience in the field is essential, as we ensure that we have a  product  of high quality for the final consumer,  becoming  in a  safe company and  trustworthy;  likewise we get  products  high quality,  always prioritizing the needs of our customers. Our fundamental objective is to offer a product  high value agricultural  nutritional,  satisfying the needs of the market and always  offering the best product nationally and internationally.


Our  facilities  are in the state of  Jalisco and thanks to our growth  we have offices  physical in different parts of the Republic. Our  staff is  highly trained to perform each of its actions  implementing new technologies compatible with our environment.

Our objetive  is to keep the best  product internationally.  Our production is harvested in both organic and conventional fields, this guarantees the rational management of natural resources without using chemical products that generate negative effects.  in the environment. dryly  undertakes to comply with the quality demonstrated by satisfying the needs  of our clients in a hundred percent  hundred and,  for this, we have international certificates that allow us to export  our product around the world  always complying with the guidelines corresponding to the interested countries.

Bodega de producto en sechiamente


Efficient and rational management of natural resources, in such a way  that it is possible to improve the well-being of the current population without compromising the quality of life of future generations.


Sechíamente has as a mentality day by day to innovate and improve each of our new work tasks, incorporating new machinery without damaging the environment.


For you to get the  greater benefit of our product  we make sure that our chia goes through cleaning processes  strict following  protocols and guidelines without affecting our natural resources.

straight from the field
Tractor de cultivo sechiamente


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